Books & Calendars
Updated: May 10, 2023
Update on Sassy’s Vacation Donors and Calendars

Thanks to some generous donors, each first grader at Westview Elementary school received a complementary copy of Sue Leamy Kies’s children’s book Sassy’s Vacation. This spring teachers will use the book in coordination with a field trip to the trail to learn about vegetation and ecology for science class. Much appreciation to Larry and Mary McGinley, John and Ellen Urness, Pat and Tom Jonas, Joan and Bob Just, Marie and Dawson Trine, the Platteville Optimists Club and two other anonymous donors.
On Friday, February 24th, Sue visited Westview to talk to 1st through 4th graders about the book and how she became a published author. Afterward, students asked questions, and Sue read them her other children’s book, Saving Sadie, about a bookworm that lives in Platteville’s Public Library.
On another happy note, donors have purchased copies of Sassy’s Vacation for 1st through 3rd graders at St. Rose elementary students in Cuba City. Teachers will incorporate the book in their nature unit and plan on visiting the trail this spring. Thanks to Joe and Caitlyn Rosemeyer, Lee and Patti Eggers, Myron and Sheila Tranel and Jack and Julie Wiegman, and two other anonymous donors for making this possible. Gene Weber and Sue enjoyed delivering the books to the students last month and visiting with the principal, the students, and their teachers. They were very appreciative of the books.
On another note, due to a lack of sales, the Board of Directors decided to suspend the yearly calendar. The stunning photos this project has generated from trail users over the past three years have been outstanding. If you have any suggestions as to how to continue the PCA Calendar so that it is profitable, or have other ideas to the use trail photos, please contact a PCA Board member.